• In the near future, people, as suggested in many science fiction novels, will have absolutely nothing good. Such a solid classic of average shooters - the plot in the spirit of "we fought, fought, and then the green freaks came and killed the survivors" - is still a hot topic for many developers. I would like to pozuboskalit, but I will limit myself to the dusty "meet". Before you Friv5Online studio and their next-gen mystery fps (how!) They . However, what exactly is "next-gen" and what is "mystery" we will try to find out.

    2012th year. The scourge of humanity is not at all giant humanoid robots, but terrorism in all its manifestations. Burning planes, suicide bombers around every turn - the scandalous director Michael Moore would have died of envy if he managed to shoot a couple more films about bad and very bearded guys from ... California. Third world countries also grab their arms and war begins. True, the flame of the struggle does not burn for long - people no longer have the strength to fight. And here on the devastated Earth, all in white come smart-pieces of iron-with-evil-spirits-on-back. Delusional, but catchy.

    The main character is a guy with a big gun and serious intentions. The protege finds himself in the very center of London - it is there that gamers will have to spend a lot of plot time. He (and at the same time, you) will not only have to reduce the alien population by a couple of thousand heads, but also find out all the answers to the Key Questions in florid ways. Friv5Online, by the way, is a fan of Heroes, Lost and similar series, therefore, they will definitely stuff their brainchild with mysticism and Fateful Discoveries.

    First, we will be confronted by the special forces (they lie down in the demo with 2-3 shots), a little later - those very reasonable pieces of iron. After a while, the hero will acquire the gift of vision and finally understand that robots are just puppets in the mental hands of some ghosts. Even now the battle looks dynamic and fresh - the enemies (this is something in the technological demonstration) are using shelters, shields, calling for help; demons attack with deadly red rays and try to manipulate the warrior. The first goal of our gallant infantryman, in order to defeat the hellish rubbish, is to break the symbiosis. In the blink of an eye, a smart machine loses contact with compatriots and becomes almost helpless. And they promise to tell us about the methods of extermination of transparent enemies a little later. Yes, also in the video.

    In They point two branded chips. And since the gaming industry is now prone to self-repetition, this is at least commendable. First, its own engine. Many will dismiss this news as if it were an annoying fly, meaning that only losers do not buy Unreal Engine 3. Opinion about They and the developers is wrong. In the aforementioned techno-demo, the play of light and shadow is amazing, DirectX 10 is working at full strength, and the implementation of physics is generally at its best. By the way, taking an example from Valve and their Half-Life 2, Friv5Online are going to puzzle the gamer with simple tasks. Kill a robot with a column, throw stones to balance, use the board as an elevator. The creators claim that the internal motor is configuration-tolerant (uh-uh, is DirectX 10...?) And quite flexible in configuration.

    The developers in absentia call the second feature of their running game "pimp my gun" (pump my weapon). The fact is that in They we will have one and only cannon. Take your time with curses - this is a fully customizable murder weapon. One click of the mouse turns a piece of steel into a sniper rifle, the next into a machine gun. The selected modifications are saved in slots (0 to 9). By the way, your favorite gun can be painted in any color, thereby turning it into a unique specimen. For multiplayer and large-scale "clanwar" modes are prepared, similar to the classic Capture the Flag and Deathmatch. The developers themselves hope that the uniqueness of the guns will allow players to plunge headlong into online battles.

    They are a bit mystical and at the same time very classic shooter. Well at least the developers have two trump cards: their own, pretty good engine and an improvement system - "customize" any weapon in the running game. 2009 will show what the life of a soldier is like in 2012.
