• In winter, it can be difficult to cope with frosts, especially if your house was not originally intended for such cold weather. Some buy heaters by the dozens, while others fly south like migratory birds. However, what should those who do not want or cannot do the above do? To be insulated from the outside! But how to keep the appearance, not to lose in style and at the same time to be reliably insulated? Do not constantly cling to the protruding outer layer with your eyes, but enjoy the views? Warming paint!Insulation paint (aka insulation paint) is not really paint. It's more like a kind of foam, used again for insulation. The difference is that the material is applied to the walls like real paint, and not pasted with sheets. One millimeter of such paint can safely replace 2 centimeters of foam plastic, or 50 mm of mineral insulation. What's the catch here, you ask? It's very simple. It is enough to consider its internal composition to realize how much people have advanced not only in science, but also in construction. However, about everything in order. The insulation paint is unique in its kind for a number of reasons. It contains ceramic or silicone balls, which are filled with nothing less than a vacuum! Yes, yes, the same vacuum that can easily be found in space, but not on Earth. With a diameter of only one to two hundredths of a millimeter, they float in a paste made of acrylic and latex, not letting the cold in and the heat out. Do we all remember the school physics course? Vacuum does not allow infrared radiation to pass through - in other words, it does not allow heat and cold to exchange. Like in a thermos, where a vacuum layer between the outer and inner wall keeps the tea hot and the ice cream cold. So our paint serves as an excellent insulator and no heat conductor. Of course, there are small losses due to the fact that the vacuum does not completely cover the wall, but is enclosed in spheres, but such a loss is practically not noticeable compared to conventional insulators. The insulating paint is applied from the outside, that is, on the outside of the walls. Why, you ask? The same scheme works here as with conventional insulation. In the modern world, the insulating paint has received its recognition relatively recently, but has already managed to spread through the construction world like a fire in a drought. You can buy it almost everywhere, as it rightfully took its place next to other insulation materials. kiev.natashaescort.com/en/