• Making love is not only fun and delicious, it is also very healthy. People who have sex regularly have fitter bodies, less stress and more self-confidence. And a good night of sex now and then is also good for your relationship. Enough reasons to improve your sex life. Even if you don't have a partner, you can stay healthy by fucking escorts and prostitutes.

    Here are some other reasons why sex is very healthy:

    1. sex keeps you fit

    Why sweat it out in the gym when you can do the same in bed? You can easily burn 100 calories per session and even more if you work hard. As your heart rate increases, your fitness and stamina improve. Plus, during a session you use many different muscles, which get stronger as a result. And by trying different positions, your body becomes more flexible and supple.

    2. Active

    An active sex life is good for the heart and blood vessels, lowers cholesterol and strengthens the immune system. In addition, sex seems to reduce the risk of certain cancers, such as prostate and breast cancer. Research has also shown that sex can relieve pain. Sex releases the hormone oxytocin, also known as the cuddle hormone. It gives you a warm, familiar feeling. Oxytocin stimulates the production of endorphins, the happy hormones. These act as a natural painkiller. From now on, headaches are no longer a reason not to have sex.

    3. sleep well after sex

    It is also good to know that sex can help you sleep better. After a good sex session, you can be pretty exhausted. Also, when you have an orgasm, hormones are released that relax you and make you sleepy. So how nice is it to fall asleep on your lover? By the way, you don't necessarily have to have sex with a partner to do this. These hormones are also released after masturbation.

    4. sex reduces stress

    Do you suffer from stress or are you in a bad mood? Sex can reduce these feelings. Making love relaxes you, strengthens the bond between you and your partner and releases hormones such as oxytocin and endorphins. This makes you feel warm, happy and cheerful so you can face the world again.

    5. Sex is good for you and your relationship.

    Many people are very busy these days, and especially if there are young children, your relationship may have reached a low point. To make it fun again, you can do couples therapy. But did you know that sex can also improve your relationship?

    During sex, you are 100% there for your partner. By having each other's undivided attention for a while, the intimacy and closeness between you grows and your relationship gets a boost. In addition, your self-confidence increases thanks to regular sex and you feel happier, which also benefits your relationship. A good sex life is quite possible even if you have children.

    6. reduced risk of prostate cancer

    Regular sex can help keep your prostate healthy. Research shows that men who ejaculate regularly have a lower risk of developing prostate cancer. But to get this positive effect, you have to have sex often: Men in the study who ejaculated 21 times a month had a lower risk of developing prostate cancer than the group who ejaculated between four and seven times a month. So just to...

    7. lower risk of prolapse and incontinence

    Another piece of good news: when you have sex, you exercise your pelvic floor muscles, which get stronger as a result. This is good for the bladder, uterus and bowels, as a tight pelvic floor prevents these organs from prolapsing. The pelvic floor muscles also play an important role in holding back urine and faeces. Therefore, a good sex life also reduces the risk of incontinence in both men and women.

    8. better performance at work

    People who sleep well also do their boss a favour. An Oregon State University study shows that people who have had sex perform better at work the next day. They are happier, fitter and simply look forward to the day, even if there is a pile of work piled on their desk. According to Professor Keith Leavitt, this shows how important it is to have a good work-life balance.

    The study also showed that people who work out of hours have less time or desire for sex. This, in turn, had a negative effect on their productivity. Moral of the story: get home on time, turn off your smartphone and relax in bed!

    It is clear that sex is very healthy and has a positive influence on relationships. An active sex life makes your body fitter, your stress less and your relationship stronger. Reasons enough to have sex regularly and stay healthy.
