Christian – Muslim Dialogue : The essence of God in Christianity & Islam from the other’s perspective!

Talking about faith matters is interesting in the best of times but when you have “A Muslim’s view of the Trinity and a Christian’s view of Tawhid” be presented, you could never how the program will unfold. The conversation started with Assoc Prof Mehmet Ozalp, who explained the position of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit in the Quran and general Islamic context. By referencing the Quran he positioned the role and rank of Jesus and how we should understand the Holy Spirit. Dr. Aaron Ghiloni, whose research interests span Islam, Christianity, and interreligious studies talked about Tawhid (a term Muslims use to describe the Unity of God) from his research and how Christian should relate to this concept. Their enlightening presentations were well researched and showed that it’s a subject matter that requires deep listening and understanding to get a sense of what each are thinking on this topic.

The program was well attended with an eager crowd asking deep and meaningful questions. It served as a poignant reminder that, despite our differences, unity and understanding can bridge any divide. As the event drew to a close, a collective prayer for peace in Palestine was offered, symbolizing the event’s emphasis on peace and compassion.

In a world often divided by religious and cultural distinctions, events like these offer hope and serve as a testament to the power of dialogue and unity in fostering interfaith understanding. The event was co-organised between the Islamic Sciences & Research Academy (ISRA), Trinity College from the University of Divinity and the Australian Intercultural Society.